3rd and 4th August, 2024

A two day workshop was held at the Vicariate House Namugongo on finance for all local superiors, heads of departments and accountants in the Vicariate

20th July, 2024

A one day workshop for the sisters in the health minstry was held at Vicariate House Namugongo. It was facilitated by Sr. Crestine Akullu from the Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (MSMMC).

18th May, 2024

Four Sisters; Sr. Immaculate Birwanya, Sr. Clare Susan Sirengo, Sr. Mary Adela Niwahereza and Sr. Sylvia Kanoel arrived at St. Francis of Assisi Health Center in Kitakyusa Parish, Kampala Archdiocese to start the 8th Community of Vicariate Uganda.

25th March, 2024

Four Postulants began their novitiate journey

23rd February, 2024

Sr. Mary Stellah Wanyonyi was installed as the new superior of Namugongo Community

16th February, 2024

New Vicariate Team took office. Comprises of;

Thanks to the outgoing team for the loving service rendered over the past three years. Special thanks to Sr. Rose Nakitende and Sr. Mary Sylvia Nabitaka.

15th February, 2024

13th February, 2024

Sr. Pratima Minj, General Councilor arrived in Uganda to join the Sisters for the Silver Jubilee Celebrations.

Retreats in January - February 2024


Workshops on Community Life and mission

7th - 9th August, 2023

First Vicariate Assembly held at the Vicariate House in Namugongo.

16th May, 2023

The General Team members went back to the Mother house.

14th May, 2023

A meeting was held at the Vicariate House Namugongo between the General Team, Vicariate Team, all superiors and Heads of Departments.

22nd April, 2023

The Mother General of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross Sr. Marie-Marthe Schönenberger together with General Councillors Sr. Sheeja Kolacherril and Sr. Pratima Minj came to Uganda for General Visitation.

3rd - 4th April, 2023

All accountants’ meeting was held at the Vicariate House, Namugongo.

23rd March, 2023

All superiors and heads of departments meeting held at the Vicariate House, Namugongo.