On 6th October 1993 the sisters arrived at Kiziba parish in Kampala Archdiocese and were sent to the Sisters (Daughters of Mary) at Bwanda to learn the local language and know the culture of the people. Sisters who trained in health ministry continued working at St. Ulrika Health Center which belonged to the Parish and then it was handed over to us. Sisters were engaged in socio-pastoral ministry which was to realize through our concern for the promotion of the kingdom values of freedom, fellowship and justice.
Kiziba is situated in Masuliita sub-county, Wakiso District, Luweero Triangle about 45 kilometers from the capital city of Kampala. Kiziba was worse affected by the bush war of 1986 which left the families in poverty and sickness.

Sr. Mary Grace Kayaga

Assistant Superior
Sr. Prisca Annet Nanyunja

Apostolates of the community

Sisters in Kiziba Community